man speaking on phone

When you get into an accident and exchange insurance info with another driver, that driver’s insurance company might contact you. You do not have to actually respond to them though. In fact, if you are suing for damages and considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, you are better off having a New Jersey auto accident lawyer do the talking for you.

What’s Dangerous About Talking to the Insurance Company?

The problem here is that the other driver’s insurance company is not just interested in your side of events. The insurer wants to do everything that it can to minimize how much it has to pay out. This means that when someone from one of these companies calls you, what they really want to do is trip you up somehow.

When you give the other driver’s insurance company a statement, they want to pick it apart. They want you to say something that they can use against you. At the very least, they want you to express doubt or say something that could muddy the waters. That works in the insurer’s favor.

An employee of this company might also use your unfamiliarity with this process against you. They can ask you to give a statement and act as if it’s a common practice or a mandatory one, when the reality is that you do not need to talk to them at all.

Should I Take a Compensation Offer From an Insurance Company?

You might also be offered a settlement when you talk to the other driver’s insurance company. Even if it seems like a lot of money, you should not accept any offer right away. You need to be sure that a settlement will actually cover all of your expenses. Otherwise, you eventually run out of money and you cannot sue because you have already settled up.

The person you talk to might put the pressure on. They might say that this is a limited-time offer or that you would never get this much in court. The insurance company is being generous! Ignore these entreaties and consult with a lawyer.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me?

If the other driver’s insurance company comes calling, you should let your lawyer do the talking. An experienced attorney from our firm can help by:

  • Calculating fair compensation
  • Negotiating with the insurer
  • Handling all communications on your behalf
  • Advising you about settlement offers
  • Taking your case to court, if necessary

We are used to dealing with insurers. We’ll do our best to protect you while fighting for the kind of compensation that you deserve.

Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney

So if you have been injured in a car accident and you want to seek compensation, don’t go it alone. Contact the Law Office of Craig M. Rothenberg and schedule a case consultation. We can tell you more about your legal options and what a seasoned personal injury lawyer can do to help you.

man speaking on phone

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