When you get into a car accident, you can usually determine whose insurance should cover you and who you believe to be at fault. If you get into a Lyft accident, determining who had what kind of coverage at the time of the crash can get confusing. Fortunately, a New Jersey auto accident lawyer from our firm is ready to help you if you have been hurt in a rideshare accident. We can help you determine whose insurance should cover you, and then we’ll help you get the kind of compensation that you deserve.
What Kinds of Injuries Are Common in Lyft Accidents?
Lyft accidents are like any other car accident. They can cause serious injuries that result in missed days of work and piles of expensive medical bills. Victims of these crashes can end up with:
- Broken bones
- Cuts and lacerations
- Traumatic brain injuries and concussions
- Spinal cord injuries
- Whiplash
- Organ damage
- Internal bleeding
Whose Insurance Covers Me in a Lyft Accident?
When you get into a Lyft accident, whose insurance coverage matters depends largely on the status of the Lyft driver and whether or not they are using their rideshare app. They get the full coverage of the Lyft policy when they are:
- Transporting a fare
- On their way to pick up a fare
This is a policy with a rather high limit of at least $1,000,000 for liability claims and a variety of first-party and third-party claims coverage. So if a driver is transporting rideshare passengers and they get into an accident with other motorists, everyone could be covered under this policy. However, if another driver is at fault for the accident, then the rideshare driver and passengers may be able to sue them for negligence after claiming some benefits from the Lyft policy. See how Lyft accident cases can get a bit confusing?
It’s also important to note that the Lyft driver has different types of coverage when waiting for a fare or driving without the app. When they are waiting for a fare, a Lyft policy with lower limits is in effect. When the driver turns the app off, it’s their own insurance policy that matters.
When Should I Talk to a Lawyer?
You should talk to a lawyer if you are trying to claim money from Lyft’s insurance policy or another insurer. Sometimes these big companies think that they can just send you an offer and that you’ll accept it. Taking this first offer can be a mistake though. If you have more expenses than you thought, you cannot come back and sue an insurer or Lyft if you already took their offer. You need to talk to your doctor and consult an attorney to see what kind of compensation you should be looking for.
Tell Us About Your Lyft Accident
So if you have been hurt in a Lyft accident, make sure that you are pursuing all possible routes for claiming compensation. Contact the Law Office of Craig M. Rothenberg and ask to schedule a consultation with our team. We’re ready to hear about your case.